
Ängstliches Gesicht

A face with small, open eyes, open frown, raised eyebrows, and a pale blue forehead, as if experiencing a cold flash.

While intended to represent fear (less intense than 😱 Face Screaming in Fear), it also conveys a wide variety of emotions, including feeling amazed, shocked, sad, upset, and cold. Bears the same expression as 😧 Anguished Face on most platforms.

Unlike other vendors, Huawei's design shows this emoji holding a hand over its mouth, albeit differently to 🫢 Face with Open Eyes and Hand Over Mouth and 🤭 Face with Hand Over Mouth. Samsung’s design previously showed upper teeth and tongue.

Ängstliches Gesicht wurde als Teil von Unicode 6.0 in 2010 genehmigt und zu Emoji 1.0 in 2015 hinzugefügt.